Friday, July 22, 2011

Inauspicious Beginnings

This is going to be an attempt to 1. write more consistently, 2. use writing as a vehicle for dealing with a bunch of my frustrations. I do not believe that anything I say is important, I just need to vent. Hence, I have turned to the internet like so many before me. I'm primarily going to speak about being a low income geek, as it's the only thing I'm actually an expert on. Fun stuff.
I'm sitting in my room, (it's a disaster) packing for a move to a new apartment. The last few years of my life have for the most part, been fairly stable. I have moved a lot in the past, so this isn't anything new. Still though, I'm not good with apprehension. I like packing as a cleansing exercise, clearing away stuff I don't need anymore.

Have a D&D session this weekend, too. I've been able to finally use the campaign setting I've been working on for years! Dragons everywhere! I was very excited about this until I stumbled upon Chris Perkins' Iomandra campaign. For those of you not familiar with Wizards of the Coast, Chris Perkins is one of the gentlemen that writes and creates for D&D. He is a fantastic DM, and his work with the Penny Arcade guys is truly fun to listen to. Anyway, Iommandra, come to find out, is an island based, dragon-themed campaign setting. Man, Shattered Seas (my setting) feels like a cheap knock off. Damn. Well, back to packing for now.

1 comment:

  1. Having done it myself a few times, I hear ya on writing as a way to vent. I also shared a desire to write more often, but mine manifested as writing three different comics concurrently.

    Keep at it.
