Sunday, August 21, 2011

Beam Katanas and Blasters

I am a science fiction geek above all else. I love space marines of every flavor, spaceships are awesome, and robots make the best bad guys (aliens, clones, and mutants too.) Don't get me wrong, fantasy is really cool too, but my first love has always been sci-fi. It all started with Ray Bradbury, a story called A Sound of Thunder, and a show called The The X-Files. I've seen every episode of that show, and it was palatable enough for regular viewers that I could watch it with my dad. Growing up, this was the highlight of my Friday nights. We'd sit down around eight or so, and watch whichever show Fox hadn't cancelled this week until nine, when Chris Carter's masterpiece would air. And for the next hour, I'd geek out with my father, and it was acceptable. I look back on those nights as both some of the happiest of my childhood and the beginnings of the kind of man I'd become. Uncle Matt (the man that raised me, and for all intents my dad growing up) didn't always understand my obsession with weird games and stories, but he did know that they made me happy. We'd talk about how unlikely the situations Agents Mulder and Scully found themselves in. We'd argue about the science of some of it, but in the end, we enjoyed. As far as interests go, this was one of the few things that we'd shared.

As far as time travel stories go, I feel there are only two worth mentioning. The first is the Back to the Future trilogy, because it's the fun romp the eighties sci-fi epitomized. The second is A Sound of Thunder. I read this story as part of an anthology of Ray Bradbury short stories. It very quietly began to change the way I felt about stories. Sometimes things don't work out in the end. What a novel concept. I had tragedies prior to this, but none had consequences of that scope. It shook my world view. Now, I didn't immediately go out and start writing tragedies, or even darker material at all. But over time, I came to the realization that the best stories were the ones that were unapologetic in their delivery. A Sound of Thunder is blatant sci-fi, but it tells the most real of stories. Action has consequence, and you can't be afraid to show these consequences. Sometimes the hero can't make things right.

You're probably asking what all this has to do with myself and gaming? Everything, really. I play D&D because I don't have a great alternative sci-fi rpg out there.The Dark Heresy trilogy is a fantastic piece of gaming, GURPS is universally known in the community, and everybody likes Shadowrun. But how many people do you know that actually play these systems? Or any of the many other really wonderful and flavorful sci-fi systems out there? I think this because these systems depend a bit too heavily on their settings to sell themselves. D&D, which is arguably the best platform out here right now, is so good because it's modular. It's whatever you want it to be. Want high adventure and espionage? Eberron. High fantasy? Forgotten Realms. Gritty survival? Dark Sun. The list goes on and on.

Which leads me to my point. Can a sci-fi rpg be made to be modular AND exciting? I think so. I'm currently working up an alpha rules set for what I hope to be my take on this. I'm going to keep posting on this topic, it's near and dear to my heart.

On to other things, I've made a character for an upcoming Eberron campaign I'm going to be playing in. I'm playing a member of House Cannith that works to repair lightning rails. We're starting at level one, and I decided to try the hybriding rules to make an artificer/wizard. Without further adieu, here is Varen D'Cannith.

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Varen D'Cannith, level 1
Human, Artificer/Wizard
Hybrid Artificer Option: Hybrid Artificer Will
Hybrid Talent Option: Arcane Implement Mastery
Arcane Implement Mastery Option: Staff of Defense
Human Power Selection Option: Bonus At-Will Power
Cannith Tinker (+2 to Thievery)
Theme: Alchemist
STR 11, CON 15, DEX 13, INT 17, WIS 15, CHA 12
STR 11, CON 15, DEX 13, INT 15, WIS 15, CHA 12
AC: 14 Fort: 13 Ref: 14 Will: 15
HP: 26 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 6
Arcana +8, Dungeoneering +7, History +8, Thievery +8
Acrobatics +1, Athletics +0, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Endurance +2, Heal +2, Insight +2, Intimidate +1, Nature +2, Perception +2, Religion +3, Stealth +1, Streetwise +1
Artificer Feature: Healing Infusion: Curative Admixture
Artificer Feature: Healing Infusion: Resistive Formula
Wizard Utility: Ghost Sound
Wizard Utility: Light
Wizard Utility: Mage Hand
Wizard Utility: Prestidigitation
Staff of Defense Power: Staff of Defense
Wizard Attack 1: Arc Lightning
Artificer Attack 1: Magic Weapon
Wizard Attack 1: Stone Blood
Wizard Attack 1: Icy Terrain
Wizard Attack 1: Flaming Sphere
Level 1: Staff Expertise
Level 1: Hybrid Talent
Alchemist's Acid
Staff Implement x1
Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) x1
Adventurer's Kit
Thieves' Tools
Alchemy Case
Alchemist's Acid (level 1)

I'm hoping to have artwork of him up sometime this week.

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