Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Story Arcs

Right. So I failed in my maintenance of my blog there for a couple of months. My bad.

So I have that out of the way, on to newer, more pressing matters. First, Next month is NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month, and I have chosen to participate. Last month I completed 24 Hour Comic Book Day with my roommates and some others and I'm coming off that feeling a little rambunctious. I have never written a novel before, but I am relishing in the challenge. I feel this is a necessary over-reaching. 50,000 words in a month? I don't have that kind of willpower. I really don't. I'm going to get bored and try to quit at some point.

Which is why I have enlisted my friends.

They are there to cajole me, threaten me, and harass me into finishing. 2,000 words a day worth. I have the best friends, I really do.

Second, is the subject of the novel. I once attempted to write a story to deal with my emotions. That story was called Ill Spirits, and I'm going to take a second shot at it. I've never been really good at introspection; it scares the hell out of me, really. With that in mind, I'm going to attempt to turn a whole life of terrible circumstances and decision making into a readable novel. It's going to be modern fantasy, but grounded very much in my hometown (or at least a fictional version of it). The main character has a lot of my same problems. His girlfriend is an amalgamation of both previous ex-girlfriends and what I think my ideal women is. I want this whole thing to be a reflection into how I function.

Wish me luck.

On the gaming front, it's been pretty slow. Al has come out to play a couple of times the last month, but not recently. The apartment has been pretty busy gearing up for various activities (read: The three of our birthdays are in November.)

Played around with creating a Mouse Guard character at the behest of a friend. I really enjoyed the comics, and would love to actually get to play this, but something keeps hanging me up. This is a game about RPing mice, and I have a hard time wrapping my head around that. My character, Kieran, is decidedly un-mouselike. I just don't know how to be meek. In fact, it's kind of boring. I'll give it a shot, but my expectations are not very high. I like playing heroes, not prudent forest creatures.

Oh well.

1 comment:

  1. But if you look at the rules, they give you those options. Lieam's entire character is based on fool-hearty bravery and his love for honor and valor. (I'd reccomend rereading the comics)Not very mouse-like...
