Monday, February 4, 2013

A Return to Writing

     In an effort to maintain my sanity, and to express things I otherwise have a hard time saying, I'm going to attempt to continue this blog. Small steps at first, just for a week, and then on from there.

    So, I'm living in Gainesville now. Like any move, it's had it's fair share of stress. It has left me with a desire to write, which is good, since the this town is very much how I envisioned the fictional town of Temple Springs. Very wooded, small and with a hint of old Florida still on every corner. Ill Spirits has definitely been on my mind since coming to town, and this afternoon I have made some progress on the beginning of it. Not as much as I would like, but that's something I plan on working on.

    Game-wise, things have been relatively slow, since I have left my fantastic gaming group off three years behind in Orlando. I knew even as I was playing, that those I played with were some of the best people I could ever roll some dice with. It is with great resignation that I am now looking to rebuilding a new group of stalwart companions with which to tell stories and enjoy good company.

    That said, I am planning on playing some Pathfinder at the upcoming MegaCon. It's been a year since I first dipped my toes into the waters of organized RPG play, and I must say, I found it rather invigorating. The spontaneity, the cast of characters last time was a blast. I'm hoping to drag a few of my other friends into it as well.

    As far as tabletop war games are concerned, those are also on hiatus until further notice. I might build or paint some of the models I currently own, but I'm also looking for a new gaming group there, as well. Fortunately, those two groups of people frequently overlap, which should make getting back into the swing of things much easier.

    As a stopgap, I have picked up The Secret World from Funcom now that the subscription requirement has been dropped. Yes, it can be buggy; yes, it is not the most stunning game in the market right now; but it is the most in depth story-wise I have ever played, particularly in the MMO genre. I love the setting, the cross between the Harry Dresden-esque magic and hidden world, and the X-Files level of paranoia and conspiracy. The skill wheel is the most engrossing thing I have ever gotten my hands on. The level of freedom in designing your characters is refreshing. This game does not hold your hand or babysit you. I have found the challenge of figuring out a good build very reminiscent of tweaking a Magic: the Gathering deck. It's all little tweaks and experiments to figure out a build that works for you. It's less about static rotations and gear checks and more about skill and intelligent gameplay. It's an intelligent MMO for an intelligent gamer, and it much more accessible the something like EVE Online. Brilliant game. If anyone wants to get in on this, let me know. I have a few guest passes I'd be happy to share.

My character's name is BlackLionZero and I'm on the Daemon server.


  1. You may want to consider looking at a different color for your links. Very hard to read them... I'm glad your writing again!
